If you have read the first story and enjoyed the peek beyond, or are intrigued from the very start, you can buy more of The Penumbra through these links.

Book 1 (paperback):
US (Amazon) | CAN (Indigo) | [UK]
Collecting the first 9 stories found in Volumes 1-3, including:
‣ A man and a woman finding themselves in a remote, desolate mansion, trying to figure out how and why they are there,
‣ A tribesman on a remote wintry planetoid who receives a strange message from beyond the stars,
‣ A horror filmfest that goes terribly wrong when a young woman becomes part of the movies,
‣ Werewolves, spooky stages and plays, reality remixes, a mythical cursed hunter, and more!
Although certain stories are directly connected, you may read the rest in any order you choose.
Stay safe, watch the shadows.

Volume 1 (digital):
In this volume:
-Two strangers in different places and circumstances find themselves drawn to each other, and to increasingly world-altering events. What will they find out about The Penumbra? All other stories that follow fan out from this occurrence.
-A creature of light and shadow sits on a stage, trapped by its captors, forced to tell them the tales of its conquests as they choose whether it should live or die.
-An aging actor from a bygone age of TV and film sits in the remote Yukon, writing to an old flame about his past, along with his embrace of his true wild self.
(includes author commentary for the first story!)

Volume 2:
Kobo, Nook, Smashwords, Apple, and Others
In this volume:
-While working at a local horror filmfest, a young woman receives a special gift from the guest of honour, and then embarks on a night of very personal terror at the movies.
-A sick but brash young artist wanders the streets of his futuristic postwar city, looking for inspiration for his latest remix until he pushes himself too far and faces the unexpected.
-The new caretakers of The Penumbra try to keep their senses together while trapped in Charles Gloaming’s mansion for the winter. Things cannot hold and they have their limits tested while the denizens from beyond push them towards a new goal.

Volume 3:
Kobo, Nook, Smashwords, Apple, and Others
In this volume:
-A festival in ancient Greece includes a theatre competition and grisly murders. A local group’s strange play might be the link between them and a darker secret.
-On a remote frozen planetoid, an ages-old colony with unique language and customs has grown. Two local hunters receive a message of incoming ships from beyond the stars and need to decipher if the senders are friend or foe.
-On the isle of Papua, a storyteller gathers an audience around a fire to tell them of a mythic hero, his legendary deeds, and his terrible curse.

Volume 4:
Kobo, Nook, Smashwords, Apple, and Others
In this volume:
-A musician and storyteller in 14th century Mali discovers a mysterious song that shows him other times and places and is sent on a perilous quest to find out what it means.
-A cursed witch has lived almost a thousand years, but a seemingly chance meeting with a man who is immune to her Gift leads her to examine her past and future.
-There are new arrivals in the house of Charles Gloaming, brought there from places farther than expected. As people gather, they try to unravel the mystery surrounding them, and of the cabin in the woods deep behind.

Volume 5:
In this volume:
Three new tales, just simmering away for now